View Profile BakaInkorp

3 Audio Reviews

2 w/ Responses


The song seems rudimentary, yet the whole purpose of it being like one of those transitional periods in any classic RPG is... It's shocking, but it's the good type of flagrant music. Seriously, you hit the nail on the head. I kind of want to play Final Fantasy now.

Calamaistr responds:

The only problem with this kind of music is that people expect a pumped to the max volume reverbed to hell square instead of a crushed chip sound and people dont tend to stay around long enough to actually hear the melody, i can know since when i havent listened to a chip track i made for an hour in the first stage of post creation i also need to get used to it again.

Just a few loops and you can hear it, and people usually click it away when they hear a sound that isnt what they expect causing their mind unable to capture the harmony, a shame.

thanks for liking this, check out the rest of the [4.5] uploads :)

I've said this already on the animation but,

May I please have the sheet music for this? It's so beautiful, I have to constantly harass you for it. Sorry, but it's a good song accompanied by a great animation, so please?

jackbliss responds:

Hey sorry it took me this long to reply. I'm actually not into sheet music making but I heard there's a software that can help. If I ever get around to it will definitely send you. In the meanwhile it's all in C major so it should be fairly easy to cover by ear. Thanks so much for your reviews and your patience :)

Hey guys, it's Baka Inkorporated, and I'm a failure. At drawing. And animation. I just try my hand at it, and hope for the best. I watch stuff, I make stuff, and most importantly, I review stuff. Ask for a review if you want.

Ryan Bautista @BakaInkorp

Age 29, Male

Joined on 1/25/11

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